Your Future Partner Survey


is something to bear in mind throughout the dating process, take your time carrying out this survey to ensure your potential future partner is worthy of you before emotionally investing - just as you would ensure a large purchase is worth spending your money on before buying…

Are they focused on themselves or on you?

Tuning in, listening, and really taking an interest in what matters to you is a good sign. Are they interested in your hobbies, your work, your children etc. If they’re overly focused on themselves, it’s a predictor of where their focus will be for the duration of your relationship and where they’ll expect your focus to be too.

Are they focused on themselves?

Do They Have Any Friends?

Abusive people tend to be loners. Check they have friends and that they spend regular time with them.

How Do They Talk About Their Exes?


Are they respectful of their exes? Are they spinning a hard luck story about how badly their ex treated them? Have they moved on? Remember, how they talk about their ex is how they’ll speak about you.

Can they laugh at themselves?

Abusive people prefer to laugh at others and at other people’s expense.

What is their relationship like with their family and children?

Do they enjoy healthy relationships with the other people in their lives?

Do they have real friendships with people who are more than acquaintances?

If they do, it’s a good sign which shows they are capable of forming meaningful and lasting connections with people.



Are They A Complainer?

If they’re finding fault with everything how long will it be until they start finding fault with you?

How do they treat other people?

How do they treat the people around them?

The waiter/ess, shop assistants etc. Are they polite and respectful?

What kind of gestures do they offer?

Are they the kind of person who is charismatic and full of grand gestures such as giving flowers and the like, or can they really listen and offer appropriate help?

Meaningful gestures?